Sunday, 19 February 2012

Market Research-Report writing

Once the data has been completed the next step is to compile the research report.  There are a number of reasons why a research report is written.  These are:
  1. It enables the research to communicate the findings of the research
  2. It can be a document that others can use in the future

There are a number of stages involved in writing the research report.  These are:
  1. Table of contents
  2. Define the research objectives-this would have been done at the start of the research
  3. Methodology/methodologies used-surveys, focus groups, observation etc.  Should also outline the reasons why particular methods were used.
  4. Brief sumary of findings
  5. Conclusions and recommendations-these should be make with the resources of the company in mind. 
  6. Detailed introduction
  7. Detailed analysis of findings
  8. Detailed methodology
  9. Limitations
  10. Appendix

Once the report has been drafted considerable time should be spent on reading and re-reading the report for errors.  Often with a research report there will be an oral presentation.  This often takes the format of:
  1. Presentation outline
  2. Visuals
  3. Executive summary

The presenter must remember that there may be a number of a barriers to communication.  These are:
  1. Language
  2. Perception
  3. Listening
  4. Authority
  5. Distortation of the message
  6. Non-verbal communication
  7. Time

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